I arrived at my room at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dallas this past February for the annual BBYO International Convention, the first thing I did (which has
been customary with me every time I enter a hotel room that I plan to stay at
for the first time), I always check out the view from the window of my room.
This time, the view
was -- to say the least -- quite historical. It practically overlooked Dealey
Plaza and the Texas School Book Depository. These two sites’ notoriety are well
known and are forever associated with one of the most jarring tragedies not
only in modern U.S. history, but also modern history in general: the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963.
The following
Sunday morning, I was fortunate enough to be one of the group of selected BBYO
adult staffers to escort a group of BBYO teens to the Dealey Plaza area as part
of a day-long activity where many of the teens had the chance to do a little
sight seeing at several of Dallas’ best known landmarks. Our group had the
chance to visit the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, which now occupies the
old Texas School Book Depository building. Since its dedication 25 years ago,
the museum attracts 350,000 curious visitors every year, who want to personally
experience up close and personal not only the assassination of JFK, but also
the historical legacy of his brief 1,000-day presidency.
photography any kind is not permitted on the sixth floor of the museum, where
the permanent exhibition is displayed; however, it is allowed outside the
building and on the seventh floor, where visitors can take a picture of the
assassin’s view of Dealey Plaza … only one floor up from Oswald’s box-laden
perch, which is encased in Lucite. Each visitor is given a complimentary audio
guide; narrated by veteran Dallas radio reporter Pierce Allman (who was one of
the first journalists to report about the assassination of JFK from inside the
book depository), the audio guide is an effective, informative tool that
directs the visitor through the permanent exhibition in order to get the full
story of JFK, his presidency, the era that ushered in the “New Frontier”, the
tense atmosphere in Dallas before the assassination, as well as the
assassination itself and its controversial aftermath. Besides Allman’s
excellent narration, the audio guide also gives plenty of eyewitness
testimonies of people who were involved in the Kennedy administration, as well
as those who witnessed the tragedy when Kennedy’s motorcade drove through
Dealey Plaza.
But perhaps what
makes the permanent exhibition so compelling to visit is the vast collection of
artifacts that are on display that play a silent witness to the Kennedy assassination.
There’s a copy of the home movie camera that Abraham Zapruder used to film the
assassination (the actual camera is stored in the National Archives in
Washington); the first wire copy bulletin to report the shooting; one of the
actual table settings from the Trade Mart luncheon that Kennedy was supposed to
attend that afternoon; the $12.78 Mannlicher-Carcano sniper’s rifle that was
used by Oswald to shoot Kennedy (which is displayed on the exact spot where it
was discovered by Dallas police Lieutenant J.C. Day); the actual suit, Stetson
hat and pair of handcuffs worn by Dallas police detective Jim Leavelle when
Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby (Leavelle was part of the notorious Pulitzer-Prize
winning photo of the shooting; he was on the left side of the photo); and the
expansive model mock-up of Dealey Plaza that was used extensively by the Warren
Commission during its 1964 investigation of the assassination (pictured above is the original enamelled metal sign of the Texas School Book Depository that was above the Elm Street entrance of the building).
Of course, one’s
fascination with JFK and the assassination gets ratcheted up a few levels after
visiting the exhibition on the sixth floor. And the excellent gift
shop/bookstore located on the museum’s street level helps foster that interest
even further. It sells an excellent selection of books and publications that
deal with Kennedy’s life, presidency and legacy (including such best selling
titles as Arthur Schlesinger’s “A Thousand Days”, Theodore Sorenson’s 1965
biography “Kennedy” and JFK’s Pulitzer Prize-winning book “Profiles in
Courage”). There’s also a wide selection of books that deal primarily with the
assassination, the conspiracy theories and about the museum itself (I chose its
excellent illustrated guide book and the story behind the making of the Sixth
Floor Museum called “Assassination and Commemoration”, which will be the
subject of a future Book Banter review). There are also complete reproductions
of several American newspapers from November 23, 1963, and the usual assortment
of souvenirs and collectables relating to JFK (including a full-scale
reproduction of his famous rocking chair, which can be purchased for about
Also, here is a
something to take note of when you visit Dealey Plaza. Throughout the area,
there are several roaming vendors who are willing to give you a quick lesson on
the conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination. And if you’re convinced
(or not), they sell copies of a privately-published illustrated historical
journal ($5 each) that expands upon those theories, as well as a companion DVD.
Being the tourist (and history buff) that I am, I decided to purchase the
journal, which I added to my JFK library.
Visiting the Dealy
Plaza area and the Sixth Floor Museum is an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime
experience which is almost like walking on historical hallowed ground. As you
immerse yourself in this nationally recognized historical landmark, you get a
mixed feeling of awe and sadness at how this somewhat tranquil part of Dallas
set the stage for the turmoil that was to mark the rest of the 60s which
forever burned in the conscience of the Baby Boomer generation and subsequent
generations around the world. And it all happened with only three shots in six
seconds on a sunny Friday afternoon in late November of 1963.
For more
information about the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, go to their website
at www.jfk.org.